On Wednesday October 16th our Kindergarten gardeners headed out with bulbs and trowels in hand to experience a traditional fall planting activity. Some very kind parents volunteered to prepare the gardens by cultivating the soil the day previous so that everything was ready for planting.
Classes learned The Seed Song and discussed how plants grow, looking at the bulbs and various roots that had been unearthed.

The Seed Song
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A root growing out of the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A stem growing out from the root from the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A flower growing out of the stem growing out from the
root from the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A seed growing out of the flower growing out of the
stem growing out from the root from the seed in the ground.

Mother Nature provided the watering with a light sprinkling of rain just as the final classes were patting down the top soil however this did not deter the eager gardeners since almost everyone remembered to wear their gardening gear and rain boots. Judging from the smiles and happy comments, we all had fun participating in our “Eco-school” project.
A special thank you to the Parkdale Horticultural Society for their donation of the flower bulbs and to Jerako Biaje for co-ordinating the volunteers as well as for purchasing the soil and picking up the bulbs along with her husband. Finally, a huge thank you to all of the parents who generously gave up their time and did the dirty work of preparing the gardens or helping our little gardeners with the actual planting of the bulbs, we could not have done this without your help. Hopefully the bulbs were planted deep enough for the squirrels not to find them and everyone will be able to enjoy the flowers in the spring!