Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
November 17th–23rd was Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario. During this week we take an in-depth look at the importance of a positive learning environment as well as the effects that bullying has on student learning and well-being.
Afternoon Kindergarten classes were able to experience a bullying-proofing performance by Soren Bennick’s The Power of One. Through this presentation a clear message was delivered regarding what bullying is, what can be done about it, and how each of us has the power of one, the power to report and deal with bullying when we are a witness to it.
Audience members were alerted to the fact that targets need help and that if we see or hear bullying we have the power to stop it by reporting it to teachers, parents or other adults. Towards the end of the performance a student peered into a box with a mirror inside to find that the solution to stop bullying lay in his own hands.
As we continue this week to discuss bullying, posters with an Anti-bullying Oath are going around to classrooms for students to sign and pledge their commitment to stopping bullying. Posters will eventually be on display in our hallways and here is The Power of One Oath:
I will not bully others
I will not stand by while others are bullied
I will report and deal with bullying whenever I see it
Because I have the Power of One
Please access the links below for more information on Bully Awareness and Prevention Week as well as for details on Soren Bennick’s The Power of One.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Technology is used at school as a tool for learning. Literacy and numeracy skills can be developed through interactive websites such as those listed below. Later in the year we will have computer buddies to help us explore and navigate various websites.
Dewson LibraryToronto Public Library
Toronto Public Library (Kids Space)
TVO Kids
Sesame Street
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Parent-Teacher Interviews and Paintings
by Team Three Artists
Although we have met on a number of occasions now, including drop off and pick up times, it was so nice to meet families on an individual basis during parent-teacher interviews. I think you are raising wonderful children and I feel so lucky to be a part of their lives for a couple of hours each day.
At this time of year I feel like I have so much more to learn about your child/children and so it was quite valuable to me to have you share your thoughts and concerns. We have such a great team again this year in both the morning and afternoon and I am looking forward to engaging in all kinds of learning as we move forward. Thank you again for the time you set aside to speak with me. It really was a pleasure meeting you.
You may have already noticed the colourful paintings outside of Area 3, especially if you were kept waiting for your interview time (so sorry). However, if you were rushing from one interview to another, please take a moment to enjoy the art the next time you are in. I can’t help but smile every time I look outside our door. We will do our best to ensure that each painting makes it to your home in one piece just as soon as new pieces are created. It’s hard to beat the cheerful art of children and if I were you, I would consider framing their self portraits currently on display in our classroom—they are really something!
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Scholastic Book Fair
Mme. Gaudreault is running an English Book Fair in the library every day this week. Students will visit the Book Fair during class time and parents are welcome to check out the books for sale during the following times:
- Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00am until 4:30pm
- Thursday 8:00am until 7:30pm
- Friday 8:00am until 12:30pm
Eric Litwin’s series Pete the Cat seems to be a big hit with Team Three and several books from the series are available at the Fair. You may wish to stop by the library before or after your parent/teacher interview.
Letter of the Week
Each week in Area 3 we focus on a different letter of the alphabet. For some students this is only a review however correct formation of the letter is also part of the learning and for others this acts as an introduction to each letter. Although we don’t follow the Jolly Phonics program per say, we have been singing the songs and learning the actions designed for each letter according to the program. Practice work sheets are made available for students who wish to complete them however this is not a requirement.
Instead, what we engage in regularly as a class is “Chalk and Sock” time. During this time, every student is given their own chalk board along with a sock that holds a piece of chalk. Students hold the chalk in their writing hand and place the sock on their other hand, much as they would put on a mitten, and the sock acts as their eraser.
We start by singing the “If You’re Going to Write a Letter” song and then we practise forming the letter using our imaginary pencil (our index finger on our writing hand) to draw the letter in the air. Our song reminds us to always begin forming the letter at the top and then we try using the chalk on the boards that we have resting on our knee or on the floor in front of us. We look at the similarities and differences between capital and lower case letters and are reminded that names always begin with a capital letter.
Students who can identify the letters and can print them neatly using correct formation, are encouraged to use lower case letters except where capital letters are appropriate e.g. at the beginning of a name or sentence. They are also encouraged to think of words that begin with each letter as well as identify where they hear the letter in various words e.g. the beginning, middle or end of a word. Magnetic letters are also available for students to practise making words and word families based on the sounds we have learned.
Students who are just learning to identify and print a letter are given opportunities to feel how to form the letter in trays of salt and to practice tracing the letter using dry erase markers on laminated tracing sheets. As much as possible, one on one instruction is given to guide the correct formation of each letter.
Any opportunities to practise printing at home will be most helpful. Children generally enjoy writing their name as well as the names of their family members so that is a good place to start. Please know that writing from right to left and forming letters upside down and backwards are common mistakes at this age but gentle reminders will draw attention to such details and we will continue to work on this as a class throughout the year.
Words to the song “If You’re Going to Write a Letter”
(sung to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re going to write a letter start at the top
If you’re going to write a letter start at the top
If you’re going to write a letter then you’d really, really better
If you’re going to write a letter start at the top
Monday, 11 November 2013
Parent-Teacher Interviews

TDSB Kindergarten Progress Reports will be distributed for Senior Kindergarten students only. Parents of students in both Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes are encouraged to attend a Parent-Teacher Interview. The Toronto District School Board has designated Friday, November 15th, 2013 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. As a result there is no school for students on this day. Frequent and on-going communication with parents is encouraged to ensure student success. Conferences between parents and teachers are important in terms of discussing how your child is adjusting to being in school. It is also a chance for you to share information about your child and how he/she learns.
To allow time to meet with as many parents/guardians as possible, interviews are scheduled for approximately 15 minutes each. Below please find a schedule which hopefully reflects as close as possible the interview time requested by you. Every effort was made to co-ordinate interview times with teachers of children with brothers and sisters.
If you are unavailable this week then we can always arrange another time. I look forward to having time to talk with families individually and sharing what we have learned about your child.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Remembrance Day Assembly
Parents are welcome to join us as we observe Remembrance Day on Monday, November 11th, 2013. We will assemble in the Gym from 10:45 am -11:15 am. Sharing a retractable wall with area 2, we in area 3, have the pleasure of hearing Mr. Greene’s beautiful music on a daily basis. We have been listening to the choir practising and certainly the music and singing will be something not to miss if it is at all possible for families to attend!
Although we touched on the concepts of remembrance in class, a book that students seemed to connect with in terms of making peace with enemies was Derek Munson’s book entitled Enemy Pie. You can ask your child what s/he remembers about the recipe for turning your best enemy into your best friend.

Friday, 8 November 2013
Pyjama Day
On Friday November 8th it was Pyjama Day at Dewson. Students and staff were encouraged to bring a loonie or a toonie and to wear their pyjamas at school all day. The funds collected were put towards supplementing the nutritious snack program that is provided for primary students on a daily basis.

"Pajama Day" book cover by Lynn Plourde, illustration by Thor Wickstrom
It was fun to see everyone in their “PJs”, including the office staff and even the Principal and Vice Principal who were dressed in full night wear with their bath robes and slippers! Best of all however were our Kindergarten students who looked even more cute and cuddly in their fuzzy warm pyjamas. Some even thought to bring a special stuffy which was the perfect touch to their already adorable ensemble!
Friday, 1 November 2013
We Scare Away Hunger Food Drive
Dewson’s Me to We club organizes various events throughout the school year to raise awareness about social justice issues affecting others on both a local and global level. During the week prior to Halloween, the annual event involves holding a food drive for the Daily Bread Food Bank. Families are asked to help “scare away” hunger through donations of non-perishable foods. Last year we collected 980 pounds of food and although the total weight for this year ended up being slightly less, it may have been due to the fact that we had more boxes than cans in our donations.

As usual, our Kindergarten students were enthusiastic participants in the event with each class filling up one and in some cases two boxes of food to add to Dewson’s total collection. Thank you for any and all donations you may have made towards this or any of the other causes we have sponsored this year as a school. Actions speak louder than words and we applaud you for being such great role models of the kind and caring citizens that we want our students to become.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
After hearing for months about the details of so many costumes, October 31th finally arrived. There were super heroes, a Jawa, fairies and princesses, life-like animals and some pretty scary costumes too. We had a visit from a freckle faced cow girl and a friendly witch with a long green finger nail who tried to taste the yummy children in Area 3!
It was fun to participate in the drama of it all and to visit different classrooms to see what others were wearing. While some students preferred not to dress up, I think it’s safe to say that fun was had by all as we lit the freshly carved Jack-O-Lantern, listened to spooky music and read some Halloween stories.
Thank you to all for the delicious nut-free treats. We enjoyed cupcakes, granola and chocolate bars, dried fruit candy and we even cut up brains made out of Jell-O and ate them up! The regular snack program, usually so appealing was almost forgotten amongst all the tasty treats.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Pumpkin Walk
On Friday October 25th many of the Kindergarten classes went on a pumpkin walk. With many parent volunteers to help keep us safe, we set off down Ossington Avenue and along College Street with our wagons in tow. It was fun to be out in our community and to see all of the people and local business. Some of the shops were already decorated for Halloween and we even saw a green pumpkin as well as one that was white in colour!
Once we arrived at the little market, we had to choose from a wide selection of pumpkins that ranged in size and shape. Mrs. Quintana and some parents held up various pumpkins and the decision was made based on those that got the biggest cheers. Each class ended up with a great big pumpkin and a couple of little ones to bring back to school. In our classrooms we did all kinds of activities around our pumpkins including designing faces with different expressions for our jack-o-lanterns as well as carving and cleaning out the pumpkins and trying to separate the seeds from all of the slimy, stringy stuff that was inside.
We could never have made our way along such busy streets had it not been for the volunteer parents and the Vice Principal and Principal who accompanied us on our trip. Thank you so much for making this community outing possible and for helping to keep us safe.
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Kindergarteners have been a busy bunch!
On Wednesday October 16th our Kindergarten gardeners headed out with bulbs and trowels in hand to experience a traditional fall planting activity. Some very kind parents volunteered to prepare the gardens by cultivating the soil the day previous so that everything was ready for planting.
Classes learned The Seed Song and discussed how plants grow, looking at the bulbs and various roots that had been unearthed.
The Seed Song
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A root growing out of the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A stem growing out from the root from the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A flower growing out of the stem growing out from the
root from the seed in the ground.
If you got the sun and if you got the rain,
You can plant a little seed in the old back lane.
You rake and you hoe and you keep the weeds down.
And you might find, you might find,
A seed growing out of the flower growing out of the
stem growing out from the root from the seed in the ground.
Mother Nature provided the watering with a light sprinkling of rain just as the final classes were patting down the top soil however this did not deter the eager gardeners since almost everyone remembered to wear their gardening gear and rain boots. Judging from the smiles and happy comments, we all had fun participating in our “Eco-school” project.
A special thank you to the Parkdale Horticultural Society for their donation of the flower bulbs and to Jerako Biaje for co-ordinating the volunteers as well as for purchasing the soil and picking up the bulbs along with her husband. Finally, a huge thank you to all of the parents who generously gave up their time and did the dirty work of preparing the gardens or helping our little gardeners with the actual planting of the bulbs, we could not have done this without your help. Hopefully the bulbs were planted deep enough for the squirrels not to find them and everyone will be able to enjoy the flowers in the spring!