Dewson’s Me to We club organizes various events throughout the school year to raise awareness about social justice issues affecting others on both a local and global level. During the week prior to Halloween, the annual event involves holding a food drive for the Daily Bread Food Bank. Families are asked to help “scare away” hunger through donations of non-perishable foods. Last year we collected 980 pounds of food and although the total weight for this year ended up being slightly less, it may have been due to the fact that we had more boxes than cans in our donations.

As usual, our Kindergarten students were enthusiastic participants in the event with each class filling up one and in some cases two boxes of food to add to Dewson’s total collection. Thank you for any and all donations you may have made towards this or any of the other causes we have sponsored this year as a school. Actions speak louder than words and we applaud you for being such great role models of the kind and caring citizens that we want our students to become.
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