Tuesday 19 November 2013

Parent-Teacher Interviews and Paintings
by Team Three Artists

Although we have met on a number of occasions now, including drop off and pick up times, it was so nice to meet families on an individual basis during parent-teacher interviews. I think you are raising wonderful children and I feel so lucky to be a part of their lives for a couple of hours each day.

At this time of year I feel like I have so much more to learn about your child/children and so it was quite valuable to me to have you share your thoughts and concerns. We have such a great team again this year in both the morning and afternoon and I am looking forward to engaging in all kinds of learning as we move forward. Thank you again for the time you set aside to speak with me. It really was a pleasure meeting you.

You may have already noticed the colourful paintings outside of Area 3, especially if you were kept waiting for your interview time (so sorry). However, if you were rushing from one interview to another, please take a moment to enjoy the art the next time you are in. I can’t help but smile every time I look outside our door. We will do our best to ensure that each painting makes it to your home in one piece just as soon as new pieces are created. It’s hard to beat the cheerful art of children and if I were you, I would consider framing their self portraits currently on display in our classroom—they are really something!

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