November 17th–23rd was Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week in Ontario. During this week we take an in-depth look at the importance of a positive learning environment as well as the effects that bullying has on student learning and well-being.
Afternoon Kindergarten classes were able to experience a bullying-proofing performance by Soren Bennick’s The Power of One. Through this presentation a clear message was delivered regarding what bullying is, what can be done about it, and how each of us has the power of one, the power to report and deal with bullying when we are a witness to it.
Audience members were alerted to the fact that targets need help and that if we see or hear bullying we have the power to stop it by reporting it to teachers, parents or other adults. Towards the end of the performance a student peered into a box with a mirror inside to find that the solution to stop bullying lay in his own hands.
As we continue this week to discuss bullying, posters with an Anti-bullying Oath are going around to classrooms for students to sign and pledge their commitment to stopping bullying. Posters will eventually be on display in our hallways and here is The Power of One Oath:
I will not bully others
I will not stand by while others are bullied
I will report and deal with bullying whenever I see it
Because I have the Power of One
Please access the links below for more information on Bully Awareness and Prevention Week as well as for details on Soren Bennick’s The Power of One.